Happy October

                                                                                                                                            paint streak

The issue is coming along well. Into my third issue I realize how often my mind wanders to keep up with the pace of a day or hour before I just tune out completely losing my focus. While the issues are remaining consistent to the 20 page layout, I’m starting to understand that what the issue asks for I must work around that. Meaning if the art pieces don’t fit into the specifics then I’m gonna have to change a few last minute ideas to accomodate those particular changes. This month is starting up to a few various changes considering the issues are just beginning. I want these issues to remain independent of each other while offering what information and process I can to keep the ideas fresh but never to hinder or undermine the creative flow between each issue. That balance I will be continuously working out and figuring out moving forward. Some of these pieces will take longer to complete, as with detailed work, but these pieces will be featured in a timely manner. No rushing or cut content. While typing this vlog I have 2 unreleased pieces currently coming together for a future issue but they are more complex because of scale and content.

Pacing is about getting those bigger ideas out no matter how long it takes to complete while working towards piecing current ideas together now to keep a constant flow maintained. This third issue I feel more comfortable but just working these last few months made me feel better with my process.

Issue 3 will be more about painting and that procedure of choice when making art in general. I always say that a painting can take longer than a drawing sometimes or vice versa. Everything for me has always had to do with timing. Just because I’m not at the canvas everyday doesn’t mean I can’t complete a new work in a week, it just means I didn’t decisively choose to start a painting this week. I’ve always admired people that start work and just allow themselves to work until it’s finished.

P.M. will continuously keep pushing my motivations forward to keep working until I can’t think of newer ideas but until then I’ll try to go with my flow regardless of time.

The Frequent Artist

Hello! I'm an visual artist from Louisiana that is constantly working towards newer creative works no matter the challenge. I love to see how far I can create with ink and paint but I'm not limited to just the two. Life + Art = Destiny.




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